Frequently Asked Questions

Module/Deck (3X3,4X3,6X3)

Load cell (Digital/Analog)

Hardware Kit

A weighbridge or a weighing scale is generally used in industries for smooth & efficient transactions.

Yes, the size of a module can be modified upon the customer requirements.

Yes, Fully automate weighbridges are also available .

Different components are used to make the automate system. The RMS uses the radio frequency ID (RFID) Card to identify trucks & loads, one the truck & load are identified, the system will determine the minimum weight to begin the weighing . Once the vehicle is registered it will display proper weight.

Yes, it is possible to integrate the weighbridge automation system with clients software. As long as you are allowed to has an approved weighbridge software package, the weighbridge system can easily be integrate weight clients system.


Yes, antic hating software (Data bridge MS) can be used to prevent any type of tempering in the data.